Saturday 17 May 2008

How very undignified

Just the way to get into the weekend - go for a ride on Friday (which was a pretty OK 95 miles) and then get into the bath and yell. I had worn a raw patch on my behind, and broken the skin - OUCH. I treated it nicely but it was uncomfortable walking, sitting and lying down.

When I got on the bike on Saturday, fully hoping to do the 150 miles, I found I really couldn't do it. It hurt sufficiently to worry me that maybe I could make it worse, which at this stage is not a good idea. So I wimped out of a training ride and went home. I did get to the gym for a while though.

So, I now have to treat it very carefully, because if you can't sit down, you can't ride a bike for 10 hours a day. I have some surgical spirit, which stings like you would not believe, but hopefully will prevent any nastiness and then toughen the skin a bit.

Let's hope this works, or I am in big trouble!!

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